
When the Prophet (SAW) arrived Medina for the Hijrah, he first of all built a mosque, before building a house for accommodation for his family. In the same spirit, ILC started with a mosque built in 1995, then followed by the Library and Seminar/Arabic class, video Rental and Coffee shops in 1996. The mosque and the other sections were built with a substantial financial contribution from a group of friends with offices/house in the neighborhood on a piece of land donated generously by late Engineer Mahmud Urwatu Armiya’u Katsina -May his soul continue to rest in perfect peace.For Administrative convenience, the founding group of friends under the steering chairmanship of Dr. Usman Bugaje, decided to combine the mosque and the other sections under the name “ISLAMIC LEARNING CENTRE” (ILC) in 1996. In the year 2001 another group of friends under the leadership of Mallam Muhammad Bawa ABG, introduced and sponsored the idea of “ISLAMIYYAH PRIMARY SCHOOL”.

Based on requests of parents and the host community, the B.O.D, agreed to commence “ISLAMIYYAH AND CONVENTIONAL SECONDARY SCHOOLS” in 2010 and 2012 respectively. With another donation of piece of land measuring about 3,900sqm by the family of the late Engineer Armiya’u, the construction of the permanent site of the ILC schools commenced in 2004 and is still on-going.

From the foregoing developments and restructuring, due to exigencies of time and change of priorities, the center presently comprises of the following sections

* Mosque

* Library

* Adult Education Section

* Islamiyya Schools

* ILC Conventional Schools