TERM BEGINS: Monday 18th September, 201/18th Dhul Hajj (1439H)
TERM ENDS: Friday 15th December, 2017/24th Rabiul Auwwal (1439H)
FIRST CONTINUOUS ASSESSMENT: Monday 23rd – 25th October, 2017/3rd-5th Muharram (1439H)
SECOND CONTINUOUS ASSESSMENT: 10th – 17th November, 2017/21st-28th Safar (1439H)
MID-TERM BREAK: Thursday 26th – Friday 27th October,7/6th-7th Safar (1439H)
EXCURSION : Students Excursion was conducted on 28th November, 2017 to National Museum and Seven Up bottling Company.
SCHOOL FEES: N23,000.00 per Term/Child